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感谢您对约翰霍普金斯大学医学博士项目的兴趣! We'd love to share more information about our programs, and also get to know a little more about you.

Admissions Steps


There are four steps in the application process for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 请务必仔细阅读这部分内容, 请注意列出的截止日期,并点击链接了解更多具体信息. 

  1. 入学条件和要求

    确保你符合录取条件 前提条件、要求和技术标准.

  2. 完成AMCAS申请.

    入学申请从网上提交的通用申请开始 美国医学院申请服务中心 . 秋季入学申请必须由AMCAS接收 no later than October 15. If you have questions about AMCAS, please do not contact the Johns Hopkins Office of Admissions. Instead, contact the AAMC Section for Student Services at 2501 M Street NW, LBBY 26, Washington, D.C. 10037-1300,或致电202-828-0600.


  3. 完成约翰霍普金斯医学院的二级申请.

    除了AMCAS申请之外, the process includes a secondary application specific to the 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院. 一旦我们收到你的 verified 申请,您将自动收到二级申请的链接.

    Applications for admission will not be processed until you have submitted your online secondary application. Important notes:

    • 任何遗漏将会延迟处理你的申请
    • 在第二份申请中包括你的AMCAS ID号
    • The M.D. 二级申请截止日期为11月1日. The M.D./Ph.D. 二级申请截止日期为11月1日.

    Secondary application fee waivers are granted to applicants who have been approved for the primary AMCAS fee waiver. Please refer to the instructions in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine online secondary application. 没有所需的AMCAS批准表格,不允许减免费用.

  4. 第四步:提交推荐信.

    推荐信的两个M.D. program and the M.D./Ph.D. 程序必须通过提交 AMCAS Letter Service .


    • Committee letter (如果你的学院/大学有官方指定的委员会或顾问,则需要). Authored by a pre-health committee or advisor and intended to represent your institution's evaluation of you. A committee letter may or may not include additional letters written in support of your application.
    • Letter packet: 由你所在的机构收集和分发的一组或一套信件, 通常由学校的就业中心提供.
    • Faculty letters (如果您就读的学院/大学没有委员会或顾问,则需要). These must include:
      • 两封曾经教过你的科学院系教员的信; AND
      • 曾教过你的非理工科教员的来信一封
    • 除了那些申请医学博士项目所需的信件, a minimum of two additional letters of recommendation are required for all MD-PhD applicants (a total of five letters). 这些信件通常来自与申请人一起做过研究的教师.

    Note: 如果你有研究生学位或一年以上的重要全职工作经验, 你还需要寄一封指导你工作的人的信. 如果你持有一个以上的职位至少一年, 包括每位直接主管的信.


Financial Aid

The 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院 is committed to providing financial assistance to all eligible students who qualify based on the availability of funds and demonstrated financial need. We work with each student to explore options for making a Johns Hopkins medical education possible.


We believe there are many measures that show the value in medical education at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Here are a few


Have a question? Here are some of our frequently asked questions with answers from the Assistant Dean for Admissions.

Admissions Timeline

Note: 下面列出的日期是确定的. 哪里列出了一个月,没有具体日期, the timing is to be determined due to slight fluctuations in the AMCAS schedule from year to year.  查看下面的注册详情.

约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的重要日期和截止日期.D. Admissions



  • 2月21日——“注册计划”开始对被录取的申请人开放
  • Late March/Early April: 最后一轮决定发给接受和拒绝的候选人
  • April 15: 被录取的申请者必须将录取范围缩小到三所医学院



  • May 1"Commit to Enroll" 将适用于已获接纳的申请人
  • May 1:  "Plan to Enroll" 仍然适用于被录取的学生
  • May 2: AMCAS申请可以通过电子方式访问
  • Mid-May: 管理学院开始使用等候名单
  • May 28: 开始提交AMCAS申请验证
  • May 30: AMCAS申请可由申请人向AMCAS提交


  • 6月28日:开始向医学院递交申请
  • June 30: 经过验证的AMCAS申请将被发布到JHU医学院
  • July 5: Verified AMCAS applicants will begin to receive access to the Hopkins Secondary application via the WebAdMIT portal
  • Mid-July: 招生委员会开始审查2024年完成的AMCAS申请
  • July 15 - JHU SOM Admitted applicants must select Commit to Enroll for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • August 7 2028届医学院新生入学介绍
  • Late August:面试开始,2025名申请者


  • October 15: JHU-SOM提交AMCAS申请的截止日期


  • November 1: AMCAS申请人提交JHU SOM二次申请的截止日期


  • Mid-December: 第一轮决定发送给被录取和被拒绝的候选人
  • Late January: 第二轮决定发送给被录取和被拒绝的候选人


  • 招生委员会完成对M的审查.D. applications
  • Late February: Completion of interviews
  • Late March/Early April: 最后一轮决定发给接受和拒绝的候选人
  • April 15: 被录取的申请者必须将录取范围缩小到三所医学院
  • April 30:  被录取的申请人必须选择一所医学院就读